pathways toward meaning

“By being touched, moved and opened by the experiences of the soul, one discovers that what goes on in the soul is not only interesting and meaningful, necessary and acceptable, but that it is attractive, lovable and beautiful.”

– James Hillman

current & upcoming offerings

September - October
Play Video


October 4:

Presenter at the ISMETA’s 1st Annual Global Somatic Movement Day annual.

October 11:

Guest presenter at the annual: Art-Cures Incubation Course. 

November 1:

ALTARES: A Ritual of Remembrance through Embodied Creativity

November 8 – 10:

Presentation: Creativity’s Womb and Tomb: An Ode to the Sacred Wisdom of the Pelvis at the Mythologium.

December 20th:

Winter Solstice 2024: Somatic and Creative Contemplation. Mythic Life’s Annual Complimentary Online Gathering.


This interview was part of the Somatic Movement Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.



A safe, creative, brave, and accountable space to share the ways you embody the archetypal energies of the feminine in your mythic journeys and life cycles.

The circle will have an opening and a short guided somatic movement practice with a central theme or question for the day. Following that, the space will be open for speaking and listening from the heart. Aesthetic interventions and responses are offered from witnesses. As we close the circle we harvest the learnings, insights, questions that each participant has identified.

Fourth Friday of the month. Application Required.

Time:12pm ET – 2pm ET – Other time zones please look here.

En estas rondas mensuales cultivamos un círculo íntimo, seguro y poderoso de co-creación para situarnos en el momento en que estamos viviendo a nivel personal e identificar retos, oportunidades y recursos para seguir avanzando en nuestro caminar.

Cada Ronda se abre con una práctica guiada de movimiento somático alineada con la fase lunar de ese día y que nos introduce al tema central de la sesión. El espacio se abre para hablar y escuchar profundamente con y desde el corazón. Atestiguamiento compasivo, acuerpado y libre de crítica nos permite ofrecer un reflejo y sostener la sabiduría que nace en cada una. 

Dirigido a toda mujer hispanohablante que tenga experiencia en escucha profunda y respetuosa.

Cupo limitado a 12 participantes para lograr una mayor conexión y atención a los procesos personales.


Embodying Wisdom, Beauty and Courage

Through Mythic Life I support individuals and groups in awakening to their living body: soma. By experiencing the body from a first person perspective, we recognize the intrinsic relationship between body, emotions, creativity, soul, and connection with others and with the Earth.

Experiencing the body allows us to reclaim the raw beauty of life; that which gets arrested through the rational, logical, linear, and literal views of reality. Beauty has the potential of healing and transformation. Beauty is breathtaking. Beauty moves us and touches us revealing or evoking our innermost truths. Knowing what is our truth gives us a clear compass so we can orient our actions and behaviors with it. Courage is the force to show up, take risks, and behave in ways that spread the beauty of truth into the world.

Mythic Life offers guidance in connecting our life story or part of our personal narrative with a grand timeless narrative, and see our own life as a unique and necessary expression in the collective cosmology; granting meaning to our existence. 

For over a decade I have developed my work to include myths. Myths become decentering devices that open our perspective by taking us into the world of imagination so we can recognize our life challenges and struggles as heroic quests in the search of wholeness. 

For Joseph Campbell, myth has a psychological function  in which “Mythology is the womb of mankind’s initiation to life and death.” Mythic Life focuses on embodying the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth through:

                               Somatic Movement      |      Archetypal Psychology      |       Expressive Arts Therapy      |      Mythology

A metaphor embodies mind and minds the body.”

– Robert D. Romanyshyn



“Without a ritual to contain and inform the wounds of life, pain and suffering increase, yet meaningful change doesn’t occur”

– Michael Meade


A mythic life is a life in which we continuously choose to align with our calling and move in that direction.

A mythic life is a life in which we face challenges creatively and with all our being.

A mythic life is a life in which our life story can be told in many ways so we can harvest meaning and truth.

A mythic life is a life in which we create rituals to honor changes, transformations and commitments.