Mythic Life

Embodying Wisdom, Beauty and Courage

Through Mythic Life I support individuals and groups in awakening to their living body: soma. By experiencing the body from a first person perspective we recognize the intrinsic relationship between body, emotions, creativity, soul, and connection with others and with the Earth. Experiencing the body allows us to reclaim the raw beauty of life; that which gets arrested through the rational, logical, linear, and literal views of reality. Beauty has the potential of healing and transformation. Beauty is breathtaking. Beauty moves us and touches us revealing or evoking our innermost truths. Knowing what is truthful for us gives us a clear compass so we can orient our actions and behaviors with it. Courage is the force to show up, take risks, and behave in ways that spread the beauty of truth into the world.

Mythic Life offers guidance in connecting our life story or part of our personal narrative with a grand timeless narrative, and see our own life as a unique and necessary expression in the collective cosmology; granting meaning to our existence. 

For over a decade I have developed my work to include myths. Myths become decentering devices that open our perspective by taking us into the world of imagination so we can recognize our life challenges and struggles as heroic quests in the search of wholeness. 

For Joseph Campbell, myth has a psychological function  in which “Mythology is the womb of mankind’s initiation to life and death.” Mythic Life focuses on embodying the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth through:

  • Somatic Movement
  • Archetypal Psychology
  • Expressive Arts Therapy
  • Mythology