April - AUGUST 2024
online OFFERINGs




APRIL 2024

REIMAGINING DEMETER: Moving the Mother Archetype Forward in Life and Art.

JUNE 2024

IN YOUR OWN SKIN: Embodying Self-Confidence.


ENDOCRINE SELF-PORTRAIT: Sensing, Exploring, and Expressing Your Innermost Self


JULY 19-21, 2024 – in person at NYC

Presenting at the ISMETA-NDEO Somatic Special Topic Conference: Somatic Movement in Dance Education: Enhancing Health and Creativity for Teachers & Students.

Workshop/presentation: The Heart of the Dance and the Courage to Create

AUGUST 16-18, 2024

Presenting at the Transformation and Healing Conference of the New Earth Institute/Southwestern College

Workshop presentation: Embodying your Heart’s Compassion: Building Community with Others through Building Community with Ourselves.

Co-presenter: April Vogel,  PhD, Licensed Psychologist

SEPTEMBER 20, 21, & 22


online woskhop series

Embodying Self-Confidence


Four Thursdays

JUNE 6, 13, 20, 27 | Online


10AM – 12PM PT

1PM – 3PM ET 

Find your local time here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html

Registration: $105

Through Tamalpa Institute

When we are in our own skin, self-confidence is felt and palpable. We stand tall, ask for what we need and want, give generously, and shine our light without guilt and without manipulating others. Competitiveness goes out the door, as  from a place of fullness, we seek collaboration, and celebrate other’s triumphs and accomplishments.

Join us for a four-week journey to embody self-confidence by exploring and harvesting the wisdom of Clarissa Pinkola-Estes’ story of Sealskin, Soulskin. The protagonist of Estes’ story loses her skin and pays a high price to get it back. We can get back what is more precious to us only when we recognize what we have given away through perfectionism, compromises, holding back, self-abuse, and victimhood.

Through this workshop series you will :

  • Gain resources to reinhabit and feel more confident in your own skin.
  • Learn to shed attitudes and beliefs that no longer serve you such as perfectionism, victimhood, holding back, and over-giving.
  • Nurture and tend to your gifts, passion and instincts.
  • Use creativity as a moisturizing and healing  balm for the  dry and cracked places in your soul.
  • Reclaim what makes you feel ALIVE!

We will engage in creative inquiry, somatic movement, guided imagery, and art-making utilizing the methodology of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process. The container for the series highlights our collective wisdom and compassionate witnessing.

Sensing, Exploring, and Expressing Your Innermost SELF

Deep in your body are precious, delicate, and potent sources of energy and wisdom. Those sources are the glands and bodies of your endocrine system.  

Feeling energized or exhausted, having fluctuating emotional responses, one moment being balanced and in alignment and the next moment all scattered, noticing physiological changes such as menstrual cramps, hot flashes, pain in the joints, sleepiness, or insomnia, even migraines are ways in which your endocrine system is communicating through your body. In addition, your glands activate and support life transitions such as menstrual cycles, pregnancy and post pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause.  

Accessing the glands through somatic movement and imagery opens up the archetypal images that are unique to your endocrine system. Those archetypes hold a reservoir of wisdom that only you can tap into so you can embody it in ways that are meaningful to you. 

Glands are ancient wisdom keepers and portals to access and understand the way you experience energy, physiological changes, and emotions in your body; and most importantly, who you are at a deeper level. 

Through this 8-week journey you will: 

  • Identify your own endocrine pathway to find a sense of alignment, clarity, and discernment in your body, art, and life. 
  • Attend and learn about the life transition you may be poised for and move through it with grace, curiosity, and embodied resources.  
  • Harness the gems of your discoveries and bridge them into specific life situations. 
  • Participate in a circle where your voice and who you are matters; and the heart is at the center of each interaction. 
  • Create a self-portrait ritual to express who you are now in your life’s journey; and be a compassionate witness to others’ journeys. 


A first of its kind, this Endocrine Self-portrait series, integrates the body part mythology and self-portrait process of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process, which is foundational to my practice; with my studies and practices on the endocrine system at The School of BodyMindMovement. It has taken me countless hours of study and embodiment to curate this series and make them both: accessible, elegant, and highly creative!

What is included:

  • Group size is capped at 14 in order to offer a more personalized experience and support between live sessions.
  • Weekly follow up email with resources to support you in your process.
  • 8 live sessions.
  • 2 recordings to guide you in a personal practice: one indoors and one in your local or accessible place in nature [To be obtained in Weeks 3 and 5].
  • Access to the recordings of the guided portion of each session. Available until October 31st, 2024. This allows the opportunity to revisit or ‘make-up’ for a session you miss.
  • Optional: up to two individual sessions at a discounted price between July and October (discounted price: $90USD, regular prices $150).



8 Wednesdays

July 10, 17, 24, 31

August 7, 14, 21, 28


9am – 11am  PDT

10am – 12am MT

12pm – 2.00pm EDT

5pm – 7pm BST

5pm – 8pm CEST

*Please check your local time here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

Registration: $650 USD value.

First Early bird $375 by May 15th

Second Early bird 2 $495 by June 15th.

Payment Plans Available upon request.

Venmo: @Maria-DiazdeLeon-2 

PayPal: mythiclifecenter@gmail.com  – Please add a 3% fee for Paypal payments.

Check: Please contact me for details.

Refund Policy:

  • 90% refund up to 21 days to the start of the series (no full refund).
  • No refund after the series begins, credit can be transferred for a different workshop offered through Mythic Life within a year.

Can’t make it but want to contribute to sponsor a participant? Contact me.


Reimagining Inanna’s Descent:
Trust Your Intuition, Reclaim Your Truth, and Release Perfectionism.

Why has your heart led you on the road from which no traveler returns?” Neti, the gatekeeper of the Sumerian Underworld, asks Queen Inanna.

You are at a point in your life when you can no longer go on knowing that, deep down, there is a part of you that has been neglected, repressed, abandoned, denied, or hidden in order to fulfill cultural expectations. This online series offers you an embodied, creative, and compassionate container to learn how to trust your intuition and heed the call and reclaim that part of you in an embodied, creative, supportive and compassionate way.

Learning to trust our intuition is part of developing a mature consciousness. It is not about taking risks blindly. A mature consciousness has a strong and supple psychic spine and can embrace, face and transverse all situations in life and connect our thinking head with our pelvis’ ancestral wisdom. A mature consciousness is open to learning, and to die to old ways. A mature consciousness trusts the skills and wisdom gained from past experiences. A mature consciousness values vulnerability as a necessary state to forge courage and strength

But do not take my word from it, let the story of Inanna’s descent work through your imaginal body and let yourself receive the gifts and wisdom that this story has for you.

Dates:                                                           Coming FALL 2024

What is included?

  • Weekly live session.
  • Access to the recording of the guided portion of each session. Available until January 31, 2024. This allows the opportunity to revisit or ‘make-up’ for a session you miss.
  • Weekly follow up email with resources and creative activities to support you in your process.

Mythic Life’s Annual Complimentary Online Event & Gathering
Winter Solstice 2024:
Somatic and Creative Contemplation

This event will be online on Thursday December 21st. 

Please register here to obtain the Zoom link

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event.

In gratitude and appreciation for your participation and interest in Mythic Life’s classes, workshop series, lectures, and events in 2024 I am gifting YOU with a Winter Solstice Somatic and Creative Contemplation session.

Our theme is : 

Honoring the LIGHT in our BEING through somatic meditation and expressive arts

In this event we will embody the nascent light of the solstice. I will facilitate somatic movement practice to tune into the world of sensation and contemplate the inner landscape of your living body. We will enter into the creative and expressive arts exploration that will allow us to move, dance, create images, & poetic responses that we can then share with each other. 


 A safe space to share the ways you embody the archetypal energies of the feminine in your mythic journeys and life cycles.

The circle will have an opening and a short guided somatic movement practice with a central theme or question for the day. Following that, the space will be open for speaking and listening from the heart. Aesthetic interventions and responses are offered from witnesses. As we close the circle we harvest the learnings, insights, questions that each participant has identified.

Space limited to 12 participants per session. Application required.

Fourth Friday of the month.

Upcoming dates:

January 26 | February 23 | March 22 | April 26 | May 24 | June 28

Time: 12pm ET – 2pm ET – Other time zones please look here.

Stillness is where creativity and solutions are found.

– Meister Eckhart

Rondas lunares de mujeres creativas

Cultivando y fortaleciendo la sabiduría femenina a través del movimiento somático, la mitología, arquetipos y las artes expresivas.

En estas rondas mensuales cultivamos un círculo íntimo, seguro y poderoso de co-creación para situarnos en el momento en que estamos viviendo a nivel personal e identificar retos, oportunidades y recursos para seguir avanzando en nuestro caminar.

Cada Ronda se abre con una práctica guiada de movimiento somático alineada con la fase lunar de ese día y que nos introduce al tema central de la sesión. El espacio se abre para hablar y escuchar profundamente con y desde el corazón. Atestiguamiento compasivo, acuerpado y libre de crítica nos permite ofrecer un reflejo y sostener la sabiduría que nace en cada una. 

Dirigido a toda mujer hispanohablante que tenga experiencia en escucha profunda y respetuosa.

Cupo limitado a 12 participantes para lograr una mayor conexión y atención a los procesos personales.



7pm – 9pm CDMX – Colombia

5pm – 7pm California

Busca tu hora local aquí: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html

Let difficulty transform you. And it will. In my experience we just need help in learning how not to run away.

– Pema Chödron



Two days after having had a miscarriage I barely felt my pelvic area. I was teaching my weekly Somatic Dance class and when I tried to do some movements like rolling the hips, I could not do them. It was as if my uterus, bladder, cervix were all hardened making a fist. I was scared, disappointed, angry, and sad. I decided to let my body lead the way of my next steps, I needed to come to terms that I was pregnant and then I wasn’t. It sounds simple, but it was complex: something in me was alive and then something in me was dead.

For many women, miscarriage is a wounding experience of loss for which they need adequate support to heal. Healing from miscarriage entails a grieving process often accompanied with symptoms of PTSD, including numbness, hypersensitivity, or pain often localized in the pelvic area. Health care professionals and family members usually downplay the effects that miscarriage has on women and overlook the emotional pain. Women are left to their own to deal with a sense of mistrust, guilt, and shame over their body. How does somatic movement and expressive arts support women in healing after having a miscarriage and regain trust and vitality in their body?

Pelvis is associated with the cycles of birth/death/rebirth. With miscarriage, the pelvis goes from being a fertile womb to a cold tomb. A frozen pelvis is experienced as lack of sensitivity, mobility, hypersensitivity, or pain. I desinged this 8-week program to support women in completing and integrating the grieving experience of miscarriage and reclaim trust and joy in their body.

Throughout the program I will hold space for you, support you, guide you and offer you effective tools so you can:

  • Encounter and express your grief, and the variety of feelings that you are experiencing.
  • Identify parts of your body that have gone numb or are hypersensitive, and recover sensation and mobility.
  • Guide you safely into creative ways to express your story.
  • Create your own healing ritual(s).


Please schedule a 20min conversation to determine if this program is right for you.

Contact me for more information, availability and fees: mythiclifecenter@gmail.com


Pelvic Wisdom Series: Embodying the Cycles of Life and Death

How are ancient myths rooted in particular body experiences? How does somatic movement help us become aware of our shared humanity? And how can myth be used in somatic movement practices as a tool to better develop this awareness?

Ancient myths sprang from the body experience. Myth and somatic movement are two ends of a spectrum and metaphors are the vehicle to travel between the two. Both, somatic movement and myth are modalities of the imagination –for image is not just visual but it is also a felt sensation. From an archetypal psychology perspective, somatic movement is a myth making and soul tending practice. Somatic and expressive movement takes us across into the phenomenology of myth and leads us to an embodied understanding of our life as a unique and living expression of a larger myth.